Tuesday, 3 May 2011


When I asked the girls this morning what type of artists they would most likely call themselves, without hesitation they said 'landscape artists'. Now, asking a fine artist (especially a third year student who’s engulfed in dissertation and final deadlines), such a question has quite often left me waving to the tumbleweed as it rolls past or either left standing with aching feet after what seems like an eternity of listening to the babble of artistic terminology as the person answering battles with their own hardship of self description. These three girls however are straightforward and non rehearsed. Landscape artists who simply draw inspiration from the outdoor terrain and recreate, recapture and remould it within their final pieces. Canvases resembling slate, slate taking place of canvas and mosaic montages of muted blues and greens. The outside world brought indoors has often been favoured amongst the art world, from renowned Japanese artist Hasegawa Tohaku’s ‘Pine Tree’ screens to Stephen Kettle’s sculptures in slate and these girls who may be considered fledglings in this pernicious world of art, are already well on their way to securing their place.

Kat @ O.B. X

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